Webinar: Scotland’s Promise to its most vulnerable children – are we keeping it?

The Promise WebinarSign up for this free social work lunchtime webinar on 10 November – part of UNISON Scotland Social Work Issues Group (SWIG) and Glasgow Caledonian University Social Work’s radical social work one hour lunchtime webinar series.  Sign up here on EventBrite.

The Scottish Government remains committed to delivering on ‘The Promise’ to its most vulnerable children. Our webinar on this topic earlier this year attracted wide interest and we are sure that an update will too.

  • What progress is being made in implementation?
  • Will the resources be made available? What are the impications for the workforce?
  • You can particpate, ask questions and make comment.

We are delighted to have a range of speakers who are bound to stimulate discussion.

  • Jackie Brock is The Promise Team’s Chief of Operations and was formerly chief executiove of Children in Scotland;
  • Susan Galloway is an official in UNISON Scotland and recently organised a survey of social work members on issues around the Promise.
  • Marion Macleod, an experienced social worker and manager from the CommonWeal Care Reform Working Group recently authored “Empty Promise” – a critical look at the Promise.
  • The event will be chaired by UNISON’s Kate Ramsden, NEC member and senior lay official in Scotland.

These webinars are open to all social work members and others, including students and workers in related fields. This is a free event which can be accessed through an EventBrite ticket. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scotlands-promise-to-its-most-vulnerable-children-are-we-keeping-it-tickets-194274910487

All ticket holders will be sent a link to the MicroSoft Teams platform for the event. Any queries or questions contact i.gil@unison.co.uk