Women members must be able to speak up and speak out

Conference threw its weight behind a call from Renfrewshire branch for the union to tackle misogyny, discrimination, bullying and intimidation in workplaces and our union.

It set out a range of measures to ensure women members experiencing such behaviours, have the necessary support to help them to speak out with confidence.

This motion was ruled out of order then resubmitted to the agenda on appeal and prioritised under the re-prioritisation exercise.

Moving, Renfrewshire’s Mark Ferguson said that the motion was about principles, values and process. “We need a process that our members and activists can be confident about.”

“We must send a clear message to those misogynists, those who bully, harass and discriminate – that their day is up,” urged Mark.

He welcomed the acknowledgement of the NEC that there are problems and that change is needed.

“No one should have to suffer bullying and harassment; no one should suffer because they are disabled part of the LGBT+ community or because they are Black; no one should feel isolated, not heard or lack confidence in support or process.

“We must act now!”