UNISON Young Members launched a their award winning Bullying and Harassment Guide at the union’s Scottish Council. It is part of a wider campaign to help young members understand what bullying and harassment is, how they can recognise it and how UNISON can help when it occurs.
UNISON Scotland Young Members Committee produced this guide after they undertook a survey of its young members, which showed shocking numbers of young people are still being bullied and harassed in the workplace, despite the policies and laws that should protect them.

Bullying and harassment are common problems affecting many young people at work. But both bullying and harassment are unacceptable, and the law makes it clear that all employees have the right to work in a safe environment.
Employer’s are responsible for creating and maintaining a safe workplace, free from bullying, intimidation and harassment and employees should be protected by a combination of employers’ policies and the law.
Young members also submitted a motion which was given overwhelming support, asking branches across the region to distribute the guide to young members across Scotland.”