25. Priority Services Register

thumbnail of 25. Priority Services Register
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Energy Suppliers and network operators are required to keep a register of customers who, by virtue of their circumstances, might need additional information, services and support. These services are available to customers who:

  • Are of pensionable age
  • Are disabled or chronically sick
  • Have a long-term medical condition
  • Have a hearing/visual impairment or additional communication needs
  • Are in a vulnerable situation

DNOs (electricity Distribution Network Operators) and GDNs (Gas Distribution Network Operators) offer priority services to those living with a child under 5. Suppliers may also offer support to this group – customers should check with their own supplier(s).

Suppliers and network operators will actively seek to identify eligible customers, but ultimately a customer must ask to be on the PSR.

The range of services available may include:

  • Password protection and caller identification
  • Bill nominee scheme
  • Advance notice of planned power cuts – customers medically reliant on electricity will be contacted by their DNO
  • Priority support in an emergency – DNOs/GDNs will provide alternative heating and cooking facilities, for example, in the event of an unplanned power cut
  • Meter reading service, where a customer is unable to do so
  • Moving a PPM free of charge if it is unsafe/impractical for a customer to top up credit
  • Accessible information, including account and billing in large print or braille

Suppliers may also provide free annual gas safety checks for PSR customers who are homeowners and:

  • In receipt of a means-tested benefit
  • Living with a child under 5
  • Are of pensionable age
  • Are disabled
  • Are chronically sick
  • Either live alone or with others who are all of pensionable age, disabled, chronically sick or under 18

You might also be able to sign up if you’re in a vulnerable situation, even if it’s only temporary. For example if:

  1. you can’t understand your bill because of a mental health condition
  2. you can’t get to the shop to top up your electricity meter because of an injury
  3. you’ve been bereaved and want a friend to deal with your bills and meter readings

Suppliers are not allowed to disconnect PSR-eligible customers during the winter months (1 October to 31 March).

See below for a list of contact numbers for each of the Big Six suppliers, as well as contact details for the Scottish DNOs/GDNs.


British Gas, including Scottish Gas (Home Energy Care)

Tel: 0800 072 8625

Tel: 0800 294 8604 (Pay as you go customers)

Textphone: 18001 0800 072 8626

Web: www.britishgas.co.uk


Tel: 0800 027 1122

Web: https://community.scottishpower.co.uk/t5/Extra-Help/What-is-our-Priority-Services-Register/ta-p/8 services-register

EDF Energy

Tel: 0800 269 450

Minicom: 0800 096 2929

Web: www.edfenergy.com/for-home/help-support/priority-services-register

E.ON (Caring Energy)

Tel: 0333 202 4760

Minicom: 0800 056 6560

Web: www.eon-uk.com/for-your-home/help-and-support/extra-help

SSE, including Scottish Hydro (Careline)

Tel: 0800 622 838

Textphone: 0800 622 839

Web: https://sse.co.uk/help/accessibility/priority-services-register


From a landline tel: 0808 172 6999

From a mobile: 0330 100 8669

Textphone: 0800 413 016

Web: http://www.npower.com/home/help-and-support/

Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) – Scotland

Scottish & Southern Energy Networks (SSEN – covers Scotland north of the central belt. To register for the PSR:

Tel: 0800 294 3259 from landlines and mobiles

Tel: 0800 316 5457 from textphone

For more information, or to register online, visit:  www.ssen.co.uk/PriorityService

ScottishPower Energy Networks (SPEN) – covers central and southern Scotland. To register for the PSR:

Tel: 0330 10 10 444

For more information, or to register online, visit:  http://www.spenergynetworks.co.uk/pages/vulnerable_customers.asp

Gas Distribution Network Operator (GDN) – Scotland


Tel: 0800 975 1818

For more information, visit:  https://www.sgn.co.uk/extra-help