UNISON will call for a restoration of direct investment in public housing as the only way to resolve the housing crisis.
With the redirection of housing benefit, a local and national government borrowing for investment in a mass house building programme – is one that will see well built, environmentally efficient, affordable, secure and decent homes.
UNISON will also ensure that young people have a voice in the campaign, and that the disproportionate affects of the housing crisis on women are considered and will seek for public landlords to be democratically accountable with meaningful resident involvement and recognition of trade unions.
Brenda Aitchison, Renfrewshire, explained that she worked as a chartered surveyor in local government, and sometimes you become desensitised to house prices, but “The Beckhams spent £635m for a property in Holland Park, London and then spent 18 months refurbishing it, more millions. Then they moved in, and it was too small for Posh, not enough space for her clothes.
“A reported £25,000 a month and she has a storage solution.”
“This demonstrates the polarisation of the UK – 99% us and 1% them, and that is not an economically or morally acceptable position. Life in Tory UK in 21st Century. £25,146 average UK salary for a woman in the UK, £30,266 for a man. Yet the majority of our members do not earn anywhere near that. “
“And they are struggling to afford decent quality housing to live. Support this motion and raise the awareness of the disproportionate impact of the housing crisis on women and end the exploitative landlords’ reign.
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