Your pay, your say – Vote to ACCEPT now

UNISON Scotland local govt consultative ballot is now open. You will receive an email with a link and instructions so you can vote. Please make your voice heard.

UNISON’s Scottish Local Government Committee is recommending that you ACCEPT the offer. For full details see here

We are asking for your views on the pay offer that has been put forward by COSLA.
It is important that you let us know your view.

In recommending this offer to you the Local Government Committee were mindful that:

• Significant progress has been made in negotiations with the employer – we have moved the amount of money the employer is offering those on the lowest pay up by a third and our negotiations have secured an additional £86m of investment into the pay bill.

• 55% of local government workers earn below £25k per annum and the flat rate increase secured for those workers is the highest single uplift in a one year settlement for the lowest paid that has been achieved and is higher than those on equivalent pay points received in the NHS.

• The increases for those on median and higher rates of pay are in line with the wider Scottish public sector pay policy and agreements reached in other public sector organisations.

• The principle of parity across the local government bargaining groups is reaffirmed and an equivalent offer has been made to them on this basis. SJC workers on the lowest pay will receive a higher percentage uplift than that proposed for their Teaching colleagues.

• Additional work will be undertaken to address the issues of work-life balance and the burden of professional fees.

• Whilst the offer does not meet all aspects of the claim it makes progress in all areas of it. If the offer is rejected we would have to proceed with the selective strike action in those branches that secured a mandate amongst their school cleaning, school catering, school janitorial, waste and recycling staff, and look at the possibility of conducting additional statutory ballots for industrial action in other service groups.

• The progress made has been as a direct result of the campaign that we have built and all of the actions you have taken as part of that throughout the year.

Frequently asked questions

thumbnail of 10 11 21 Local government consultative ballot FAQs