UNISON’s Eileen Dinning was the proud recipient of the STUC Women’s Conference Meritorious Award for her outstanding work in the trade union movement.
The award was presented by Chair Joyce Stevenson, who paid tribute to Eileen’s 12 years on the STUC Women’s Committee, describing her hard work and warmth and welcoming approach to new members of the committee.
Joyce also pointed out that Eileen’s mum, Helen Dinning had also received the Meritorious Award. In her acceptance speech Eileen paid tribute to her mum as “a great role model,” who never stopped campaigning for women’s rights right to the end.
“I am so proud to have walked in her shoes,” said Eileen.
Eileen pointed out that in 2019 the agenda is much the same as it was on her first Women’s Conference. “This is nothing less than a downright scandal,” said Eileen, calling on us all to keep up the fight for all women and their rights, and highlighted her optimism at the young women getting involved.
Eileen thanked all the women who have supported her over the years and paid tribute to UNISON for enshrining equalities in our work.
“Women are not a minority. We are 51% of the population. We are not powerless. We can make change when we stand together.”
She called for us to press for recognition of women’s unpaid work.
“Let’s finish what we started!”
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Reports by UNISON Scotland Communications and Campaigns Committee from Kate Ramsden in Perth.