HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE STAFF: Scottish Government has issued revised Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidance for Health and Social Care Workforce, via the COVID-19 guidance pages on the Health Protection Scotland (HPS) website. This guidance has been produced on a UK four nation basis, with input from Royal Colleges and expert scientific groups.
This advice will mean some changes to the PPE that health and social care workers across Scotland will be advised to wear in different settings and scenarios when caring for patients and residents. The updates reflect the fact that COVID-19 is now widespread in the community, meaning health and social care workers are more likely to see patients with the virus, some of whom will not have symptoms yet.
UNISON has pressed the government on the availability, supply and distribution of PPE to health and social care staff and work continues as an absolute priority to source further PPE to ensure there is an appropriate supply for all our health and social care workforce.
More guidance and resources:
Revised guidance on PPE use in healthcare settings (incl home/social care):
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Posters – A3:
Revised Guidance on Social Distancing in Non-Healthcare Settings:
SSSC – Fitness to Practise Changes During COVID-19
To help focus resources on supporting the social service sector during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic SSSC are making changes to fitness to practise.
Community & Third Sector
Branches with members in the Community & Third Sector may find the SCVO website helpful at this time.
If you have questions or need o speak someone, please try and speak to your workplace steward first. We realise this may be difficult at the moment. But they should be your first port of call. You can phone or email us, contact details are here.
UNISON local branches, if you need to speak to your local UNISON Branch details are here