In the run up to schools breaking up for the summer thousands of members signed postcards to the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to remind him that Education is ONE team, who all deserve fair pay.
Last year the Scottish Government found more money to give teachers a bigger pay increase than other local authority workers, despite our members contributing towards the education of Scotland’s children.
Johanna Baxter, UNISON Scotland head of local government bargaining, said: “We understand that they are thinking about giving more money to teachers again this year, whilst our members working in local authorities continue to get less.
“We don’t think that was fair so we have been highlighting the vital work our members do in delivering high quality education across the length and breadth the country.
“Over the summer we will be expanding the campaign to the rest of the local government membership to drive home the message that all local government workers deserve a fair pay award.
“Your Local Government Committee negotiating team met with Derek Mackay, Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Finance and Fair Work, again on 26 June to press him for more money for local government to improve the current pay offer.
“He has agreed to a further meeting, this time with COSLA, and we will remain at the negotiating table whilst progress is being made.”
The unions’ claim is for £1,500 or 6.5% – whichever is the greater. On the table at the moment is 3% for those on up to £36k; 2% for £36,501 – 80k; and £1,600 on £80k and above.