#ndc23 In a key debate on day one of National Delegate Conference, delegates set our agenda around organising, with an aim to build an even bigger, stronger and more powerful union.
Conference backed measures that have come out of the work of the Organising, Recruitment and Strategic Development (ORSD) project’s recommendations, in consultation with branches, regions and self organised groups, for a comprehensive, joined up organising strategy.
Conference also backed Scotland’s amendment to the NEC motion, calling for the wider impact of UNISON’s award winning legal assistance to be analysed for trends that need a collective organising response.
Moving, Scotland convener and regional delegate, Lilian Macer said the amendment is about taking information that is already gathered while we are undertaking the vital work of representing and defending individual members and turning that information into knowledge that can be a tool for collective action and organising.
This would allow trends to be identified and allow that information for organising and campaigning purposes.
“It is potentially powerful – a national not just a personal or local grasp of the issues that our legal team are dealing with,” said Lilian.
“It will let us see what issues are widespread or are becoming more prevalent. It will give us a better idea of where employers are turning the screw on our members.
“That allows us to develop a collective response – to use that knowledge to organise around the issues that we have the information on that are already or are becoming problems, to allow us to develop campaigns and policies that will deal causes not just symptoms.”