Our UNISON members, family and friends fun day is on Sunday 27 August at New Lanark world heritage site. See the poster on the right which I would appreciate if you could circulate and display.
We have all the usual activities for a great day out – music, stalls, face painting, balloon sculpting, birds of prey, storytelling, goody bags and a treasure hunt for the kids.
This year we also have a Song Writing Workshop with Carol Laula so if you, family or friends, have ambitions to write a romantic song to your loved one or a rabble rousing anthem for the masses bring your guitar, tin whistle or just yourself and get some tips from Carol.
We are developing a theme for the day around the Pay Up Now/Scrap the Cap campaign and every member attending will get the stickers, badges and arguments to support the campaign.
Branches are invited to bring their banners to add to the colour of the day.
Free buses – there is a free bus from East Kilbride, stopping at Hamilton and another from Glasgow, both leaving at 10am and returning from New Lanark at 5. Members can book a seat on these by contacting the South Lanarkshire Branch on 01698 454690.
Appeal – Tombola Stall – Pat Rowland is once again running a tombola stall to raise money for the Welfare Fund. Pat would appreciate any donations (bottle of wine, chocolates, etc) that could be left at West Campbell Street for her. Cash donations are also welcome.
If you need any more information please let me know.
Stephen Smellie
Branch Secretary
UNISON South Lanarkshire
Tel: 01698 454690