NHS strike pay ballot announced

NHS union UNISON has announced today (Friday) that it will officially ballot its 50,000 NHS members in Scotland over pay. The ballot will open on 3 October.

The announcement comes as UNISON confirmed the results of it’s digital consultation on pay. A consultative ballot is the first stage of the process toward industrial action. To take strike action the union must now run a postal ballot.

In a letter to the First Minister the union confirmed that 83% of its members had voted to take industrial action over pay after a government offer of 5% increase across the board.

Wilma Brown, chair UNISON Scotland Health Committee said: “UNISON members have spoken loud and clear. They worked flat out during the pandemic and were promised so much by politicians and yet when it comes to the crunch our domestics, caterers, porters and other low paid members are only worth an extra £900 per year. Our members in nursing were offered less than £1500 whilst senior managers are offered more than £5000 in the same pay deal. So much for all staff being valued equally.”

Matt McLaughlin, UNISON Scotland head of health called on the First Minister to intervene and avoid strikes. He said: “This is the first time since devolution that NHS workers have been balloted for strike over pay, the First Minister must step in now to ensure that UNISON members get a fair deal on pay and that we avoid the need for workplace stoppages as we approach the winter.”

Note for editors
UNISON represents 50,000 NHS workers across the Agenda for Change pay agreement including nurses, midwives and support staff such as domestics, porters and admin workers. The union has membership in every health board in Scotland

Letter to FM: https://unison-scotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Letter-to-FM-12-August-PAY-2022.pdf

NHS Pay bands showing 5% increase: https://unison-scotland.org/wp-content/uploads/07.07.22-NHS-pay-bands-table-showing-with-5-uplift.pdf

UNISON contacts
Matt Mclaughlin, UNISON Scotland head of health: 07904 3419789

Danny Phillips, communications officer: 07944 110664