#STUC16 The STUC gave unanimous backing to an emergency motion supporting the Glasgow UNISON #Justice4Jannies campaign as they began their three-day strike for parity of conditions with other like-workers.
The jannies packed the gallery as delegates stood to applaud them. The full text of the motion is…
“That this Congress congratulates UNISON members who are janitors in Glasgow’s primary, nursery and ASL schools on standing up for fair pay and supports 100% their current strike action against their employer Cordia, an ALEO of Glasgow City Council. The janitors took three days of strike action in march and are taking further action this week.
“Cordia is refusing to pay a Working Context and Demands Payment (WCD) to school janitors and is using spurious arguments to justify not making the payment. Glasgow City Council and its ALEOs pay structure awards payments to workers who undertake duties which are dirty, unpleasant, involve working outside on a regular basis or heavy lifting.
“There are five levels of annual WCD payments ranging from just over £500 to over £1,000. UNISON is very clear that school janitors meet the criteria to be awarded this payment. Our members have been left with no option other than to take this action, as both Cordia and the Council are wrong and just not listening to our members.
“Congress therefore:
– calls on Cordia and Glasgow City Council to agree a negotiated settlement of the dispute with UNISON; and
– agrees that all STUC affiliates highlight the just cause of the janitors and theor Justice4Jannies campaign”