#stuc19 Congress welcomed the Scottish Government decision to fully implement the recommendations of the LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group towards a truly inclusive education system.
Congress congratulated TIE (Time for Inclusive Education) on this success and pledged to continue the work with affiliate unions to highlight the work of TIE and to ensure that the recommendations are fully implemented and to combat homo, bi and transphobia in our schools, colleges and universities.
Supporting the motion, UNISON’s Willie Docherty told Congress that we should be proud of the part we have played in the TIE campaigns.
“From the outset TIE saw the trade union movement as its first and most important ally,” said Willie.
He congratulated TIE for the success of the campaign over such a short space of time but warned that we must be vigilant in the coming years to ensure that what we see is not just lip service from the Scottish Government but real change in our schools.
“We need a better future where all our young people can thrive and feel valued while being themselves,” urged Willie.
Click here for more information on the STUC website.