#stuc17 Congress reaffirmed its backing for the TIE “Time for Inclusive Education” which calls on the Scottish Government to underpin in law, action in schools to end LGBT+ bullying, which still mars the lives of so many of our children.
This includes practical steps to ensure that education is truly inclusive, including teacher training.
UNISON’s Willie Docherty seconding the Annual STUC LGBT Workers’ Conference motion, reminded delegates that it is not only teachers involved in education. Every person who works in a school needs to be given the information and the opportunity to be there as a support and role model for young LGBT+ people.
He told the story of one of his friends who had been at school in Aviemore, who had gone to the school nurse to disclose he was being bullied because he was gay. She asked him what he expected.
“This is why nurses, pupil support staff, janitors, librarians, secretaries, people who provide catering need to be educated in LGBT+ needs.”
Willie paid tribute to the co-founders of the TIE campaign, Jordan Daly and Liam Stevenson. “They have fought every day to achieve their aims – and the future of LGBT+ people in Scotland is much brighter because of their passion and commitment.”