#STUC16 The STUC backed the TIE (Time for Inclusive Education) campaign which is committed to inclusive education, and which aims to tackle homophobia and create a safer learning environment for all regardless of sexual orientation, gender or identity.
UNISON Scotland has already donated £1000 to this very important campaign for our young people. UNISON’s Willie Docherty spoke in support.
To the horror of many delegates he spoke of the experience of a formal colleague of his, while at school in the North of Scotland. He experienced homophobic bullying on a daily basis. He got no help from the adults.
Willie said, “On one occasion, when the bullying became violent he went to the school nurse and she told him that if he didn’t act so gay, he wouldn’t get into these situations.”
He added that “the shocking fact is that in Scotland, 25% of LGBT school students have attempted suicide at least once, and 50% of them are regularly self harming.
“As a nation we should be ashamed of these statistics,” slammed Willie.
“That is why it is vital that not only teachers but everyone who plays a part in a young person’s journey through our education system are trained and ready to support young LGBT people.”
He told delegates that the American children’s author and cartoonist, Dan Freeman once said, “We shouldn’t claim to be civilised until everyone on this planet is eating well and has access to a real education.”
“A real education can only be in place when young people can be themselves and not have to worry about being bullied, ridiculed or just ignored because of who they are.”