UNISON to hold pay talks with Scottish Health Secretary

UNISON to hold pay talks with Cabinet Secretary for Health in Scotland

UNISON, the largest health trade union, will be meeting Cabinet Secretary for Health in Scotland Jeanne Freeman on Tuesday 15 September.

UNISON will be asking for their present 3 year pay deal to be reopened so NHS workers can have a fair pay rise this year. This pay claim is after a consultation with UNISON members.

Tom Waterson, chair of UNISON Scotland’s health committee said: “NHS workers have been nothing but heroic throughout his pandemic. They have put aside their own safety and that of their families to care for others. But the hard reality is that NHS workers need a pay rise this year. We have consulted our members and believe we need to reopen the 3 year pay deal. NHS staff feel strongly about this. They have welcomed the support of the public and politicians but they now need to sit down with Scottish Secretary for health to talk about pay.”

Willie Duffy, UNISON Scotland’s head of health said: “We welcome that the Health Secretary is getting around the table with us and we welcome the comments from the First Minister about the need to revisit the reopening clause in our 3 year pay deal. The government must recognise the hard work and dedication of NHS staff during this pandemic. NHS staff have made many sacrifices this year both emotional and financial and they need properly supported over the next few years and beyond.”

UNISON is the biggest trade union in the NHS and the biggest trade union in Scotland. The trade union is calling on the Scottish Government to reopen the NHS three year pay deal, and for ministers to sit down with the trade unions to discuss a pay rise for all NHS staff.

UNISON Scotland contacts
Tom Waterson, chair of health committee: 07753 627 575
Willie Duffy, head of health: 07904 342 129
Trisha Hamilton, communications officer: 07943 507 307 t.hamilton@unison.co.uk
Danny Phillips, communications officer: 07944 644110 d.phillips@unison.co.uk