Webinar: Covid-19 and communication accessibility in the workplace (27 November)

Webinar: Covid-19 and communication accessibility in the workplace
When: 27 November 2021, 11.45-12.45pm
Where: Online, via Teams (register using link below)

Covid-19 has transformed our organisations and how workers carry out their jobs.

Three significant shifts have been the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); a move to working from home and the use of virtual platforms to communicate at meetings, events and training.  These changes have brought opportunities for workers; however, they have also brought significant communication challenges to workers who rely on other senses to compensate for deafness or hearing loss.

Sponsored by UNISON Scotland’s Disabled Members’ Committee, Janis McDonald from the Alliance touches on the spectrum of deafness and discusses the impact of Covid-19 on communication in the workplace.

This takes place on Saturday, 27th November 2021 via MS Teams, from 11:45am – 12:45pm. BSL interpreting services and Captioning Services via Streamtext are provided. Attendees using Streamtext are advised not to access the event from their mobile phone device.

You can register for the event using the link below:

Covid-19 and Communication Accessibility in the Workplace Webinar

Best wishes,