Cornerstone – Inducement Newsletter
Dear Members
UNISON has today posted a newsletter, UNISON caseform, and 2 union busting postcards to every member’s home address.
The newsletter and caseform can be found by clicking on the images to the right.
As explained in the newsletter, you should immediately take 3 steps:-
Click graphic for caseform Fill out the caseform and return it to us in the prepaid envelope to ensure that you are included in any inducement claim that UNISON needs to raise against Cornerstone. As you can see, this is worth £4,000 to every member.
- UNISON is preparing to apply for statutory recognition, which is where Cornerstone is required by law to recognise UNISON for collective bargaining purposes. Please complete one of the postcards and return it to us in the envelope. As explained in the newsletter, Cornerstone will not know who has supported us in this, it is used by us to show that more than 50% of the workforce support UNISON.
- Finally, we would ask that you advise any non UNISON members that you work with that we will accept a caseform from them if they join UNISON before 31st January 2019, meaning that they can be included if we need to lodge an inducement claim. As well as this, whether they wish to join UNISON or not, they can complete a union busting postcard which will help us to achieve statutory recognition.
If you need more postcards please contact us and we will issue more direct to you.
These important actions will help UNISON to continue to protect your rights at work with Cornerstone – play your part by carrying out the above action points!
John Mooney
Area Organiser
UNISON Scotland