Grampian Resource Centre Staff took place in the Aberdeen Trades Council May Day March on Saturday 29th April wearing hospital beds.
This was to highlight the abandoned plans for Aberdeen Royal Infirmary being one of four major trauma centres that were promised by ministers in 2014. More recently they had cut the plans to having two within the central belt in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
This would have resulted in, any patient in need of the Trauma Centre, having to travel from as far afield as Shetland or Orkney to either Glasgow 159 or Edinburgh 148 miles from Aberdeen respectively. Not good when time is critical in instances that someone would need the use of these critical services.
The follow on effects could also result in NHS Grampian struggling to recruit and retain specialist staff and the downgrading of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, with many existing services put at risk.
On Wednesday 4th May the day before the Scottish Elections, it was revealed in a North East Newspaper that Nicola Sturgeon in an interview pledged that the Aberdeen Major Trauma Centre would go ahead saying she has “always been persuaded” of the need for the life-saving facility in Aberdeen.
Please join the campaign to make sure that the 1st Minister keeps her promise by signing the petition on:-