UNISON Conference 2019

Conference reports from a Scotland perspective and where Scotland delegates are particularly involved will be posted here throughout the week of 18-21 June 2019. For other reports see the UK pages.

Conference Guide | What is Conference? | Service Group Reports | Previous Conferences |

Tony McCann

It has opened my eyes to the power we have through UNISON when we stick together

This is the first UNISON Conference I have attended on behalf of my branch at SEPA. I wasn’t sure what ...
Gordon McKay

You had a great Conference Gordon – Now let’s get the Malawi clinic funded

Ayrshire and Arran Health's Gordon McKay chaired UNISON's National Conference as this year's national president - and he made a ...
Karen Strain

UNISON to make 2021 year of disabled workers

UNISON Conference backed a South Lanarkshire motion to make 2021 the Year of Disabled Workers and ask the TUC and ...
Kathleen Kennedy

End the injustice of social insecurity

Conference slammed the unfair and punitive universal credit system which has seen so many of our most vulnerable citizens and ...
Lilian Macer

Radical overhaul of social care services needed based on fair work principles

UNISON will campaign for social care to get the proper funding it deserves and for social care workers to get ...
Kathleen Kennedy

Rules change proposals hotly debated once again

The rules debate traditionally takes place on a Thursday afternoon and in recent years has become one of the most ...
Elaine Duffy

Celebrating Nelson Mandela to inspire future generations

Conference backed the imaginative Mandela 8 project in Liverpool which plans a memorial in Toxteth and an educational facility. The ...
Arthur Nicoll

We can’t cut corners on public safety

Conference backed an NEC motion which highlighted the impact on public safety of austerity and cuts from police, to probation, ...