UNISON strongly recommend police staff reject latest pay offer


UNISON Police Staff Scotland, the branch of UNISON representing Police Support Staff, informed the Scottish Police Authority today (8 December) that they are recommending its members reject the employers pay offer for 2016/17.

The offer made by the employer is no better than the the Scottish Government’s Public Sector Pay Policy and does not meet our reasonable demands and what our members expect. The Police Staff Branch will now run a consultative ballot over Christmas to gauge the strength of feeling of the members.

George McIrvine, Branch Secretary said, “Our members are not being paid appropriately for the work they do and the pressures they have been under since Police Scotland came into being in 2013. Average wages across the UK are on the increase.  And the rise in the cost of living, rate of inflation, National Insurance contributions are all impacting on take home pay, and yet our members are expected to cope on a miserly 1% pay rise. The employers delayed offer to our members is frankly derisory”

Gerry Crawley, UNISON regional organiser said, “There were no formal negotiations with the trade unions which has unfortunately led to this outcome. UNISON submitted a reasonable pay claim which has been rejected outright by the Scottish Police Authority. I do not think the employer really understands the day to day pressures our members are under. It is the employers’ financial mismanagement that has ultimately led to problems with budgets and Police Staff are the people who are bearing the brunt through brutal cuts. It is all the more frustrating when the Scottish Police Authority have not explored all options open to them.”

Notes to editors

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) is the employer of police staff, these staff work under the direction of the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Scotland.

The Scottish Government’s Public Sector Pay Policy for Staff Pay Remits sets the framework for public sector pay. It applies to the Scottish Government and its associated departments, agencies, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), public corporations and NHS Scotland Senior Management posts (Grades A-C only).

UNISON Contacts

Gerry Crawley regional organiser  07958 121805

George McIrvine police staff branch secretary  07842 542 677