- 19 February 2014

The shocking reality of Scotland’s care services
The care of older people in Scotland is a national disgrace. Our care services are hanging by a thread and, as austerity has bitten, it is the elderly and vulnerable in our community who ...
- 29 April 2013

A number of reports from client organisations, consumer groups, and homecare providers have recently been produced which have been highly critical of the state of homecare services in the UK. Little consideration however has been given to the views of ...
- 2 May 2012
Every day we all use the services provided by local government. Many people don’t even notice them: we take them for granted. The council elections on May 3 will bring a much-needed focus on the importance of local government and the ...
- 21 March 2011

UNISON Scotland has launched a guide to help social workers stay safe in the workplace.
The new guide – Keeping Safe in the Workplace – aims to help social workers recognise when they are becoming stressed or overloaded at work and to seek ...
- 26 June 2009

A Social Work Manifesto for UNISON and BASW members in Scotland.
UNISON & BASW welcome the positive steps taken in Scotland to address the problems in Social Work in the past few years. These include
The 21st Century Review and the ...
- 10 June 2009

SPAEN and UNISONScotland interviewed a small number of people who use direct payments to employ personal assistants and a similar number of people employed as personal assistants in 2008. The aim of this pilot study was to identify what issues ...
- 31 May 2009

A guide to your basic employment rights when employed as a Personal Assistant and your responsibilities if employing a Personal Assistant.
Social Work Home | Publications
- 1 May 2007

UNISON, Scotland’s public service union, announced on 1 May 2007 that it has agreed with a number of key Scottish disabled people’s organisations, a joint statement setting out its position on direct payments in Scotland.
The union, which organises social care staff ...
- 29 October 2006

First published in 2006, this ground-breaking guidance was designed to provide a framework for ethical practice for UNISON and BASW members in Scotland who are social work and social care practitioners and who are providing a service to the children ...
- 10 March 2006

March 2006: In the Summer of 2004, the Scottish Parliament commissioned the 21st Century Social Work Review, following a debate in the Scottish Parliament. The Review was set up against a background of negative publicity against social work staff following ...