UNISON is at the forefront of campaigning against racism in Scotland. UNISON members care for the whole community – we won’t allow racists to wreck Scotland’s economic and cultural future.
We have adopted three key objectives: – Tackling racism in the workforce/effective implementation of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 – Promoting respect for asylum seekers and humane immigration rules – Combating the far right and promoting community cohesion
We have a comprehensive action plan to address these objectives. Actions to improve member and community awareness, negotiating meaningful race equality schemes with employers and challenging the BNP.
Humanitarian support needed for Afghan refugees

Refuge and Asylum in Scotland – a guide for members

UNISON Week 289 – Cash for councils, economic recovery & a bigger union

UNISON WEEK 287 – Coronavirus next steps, Safety Reps, Black Lives Matter & more

St Andrew’s Day march and rally: 30 November

Let’s recognise our shared humanity and welcome migrant workers and refugees

Immigration advice for UNISON members

Demanding justice for the Windrush generation

UN Anti-Racism Day Demonstration 16 March Glasgow

St Andrew’s Day rallies 24 Nov: Still We Rise: Internationalism, Freedom, Justice

Wear Red Day 5 October – Show Racism the Red Card

Serco evictions condemned: Herald letter from UNISON, SASW and academics